wow, this blogs like dead.
well the major things that have happened so far are:
1.) sports day- i participated but didn't win anything...sad...kept getting 4th :)
2.)chij funfair- super fun
3.) sports school selection test- started because i was jealous of a friend
4.)SYF- erm.. well, let's just hope the choir sings well
5.)my Piano exam- whohooo!!! got awesome marks
yes. well i can't think of anything more
sorry, there are no pics for these as my phone has no memory card.
SpOrtS daYit rained. that's my excuse. i got lane 6- i think the slipperiest lane there and before i started running, i slipped.saD. heh. yes so like it was really bad. especially when like there was so many people. but it was fun because it meant that: a)i would get less homework b) less school time. the bad thing was that one of my friends found out that some guy, whose life i ruined last year, still liked me. i feel so guilty.
CHIJ fUnFaiRtiara and i were nuts. we spent like at least thirty dollars there. it was very expensive. we went on the turny-turny ride which gave her gastric the next day (oops!!!). then we went shopping. until we had no money left and one hour of nothing to do. then we went to the gym and jumped. alot. :) it was free and us ,being super broke, had fun there.
SpOrtS sCHL selecTION tEsT!!!As i said before, it started out because i was jealous of a certain friend...then i got picked out. not quite sure if they would call me up because i haven't quite have many achivements. i shall have to keep my fingers crossed.
well i got to go now,so i shan't tell you everything else that happens. :) poor you..... (; (i wrote this on some date of which i can't remember...)
Louiza 4:40 pm